Friday, August 5, 2016

And She Said I Couldn't Do It

This is one of those moments I get to tell my mom, "I told you so," or something like that. Ya know how the DMV gets super crowded throughout the day? And how the only good time to go is right when opens, right? Well, Kylle (who apparently passed his driving sessions with flying colors despite the fact that he took out a couple of garbage cans and nearly got into three different wrecks) decided to go get his learner's permit which obviously involves going to the DMV (and is obviously a terrible idea because of how horrifying his driving skills are). I didn't want to go (mostly because I'm lazy and hate waking up in the morning but also because I have very bad memories of the place), so my mom left me at home after literally waking me up at six and was like at least stay awake until we get back in case something happens. She totally didn't think I could do it and even went so far as to make a wager with me involving books (that's how confident she was that I would fall back to sleep). Whelp, the joke was totally on her because there was no way that I was letting the opportunity of getting free books go away (seriously, I need a new job because I'm super tired of running out of money). It took a lot of effort, but fifteen episodes of various animes later, I was still awake when they came back at 12:36. I was so dead that I fell back to sleep as soon as my mom saw that I was still awake, but whatever. I'm now the proud owner of four new volumes of manga (like I really need anymore since I ran out of book room eons ago). Bwahahahaha. Sometimes, it pays to stay awake. Apparently. I wouldn't really know. I seriously hate mornings. And, I will never do this again. Unless I get more free books out of it. Lol. :)

- Delanna

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