Saturday, August 20, 2016

That Awkward Moment When Some Guy Decides to Pay With Two Dollar Bills

So, I probably should have mentioned this in my earlier post, but I kinda forgot about it (totally can't believe that I almost forget considering how weird it was). Anyway, on the way to Houma, we stopped to get food at a certain fast food joint (if I said what it was, I would never be able to live this down, so I'm not gonna mention the name and just leave it to your imagination). The guy in front of us was taking a super long time. Probably because he was trying to pay for his food in two dollar bills. The lady behind the counter was hilarious. She had never seen a two dollar bill before (I am guessing based off her reaction) and kept asking people if they were real. In order to move the line along, my dad wound up paying for the guy's food in exchange for the two dollar bills, so now I have a small collection of two dollar bills. Yay me.

- Delanna

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