Sunday, August 21, 2016

Battle Scars

Do ever battle your sibling to the death? With a pen? No? Whelp, you're weird. My sister and I do it literally the time. No, we're not actually fighting fighting. We're just having fun and passing the time. Yes, I know we're weird, but don't all siblings do weird stuff like this to pass the time? We do it so often now that we've both become masters of our own arts. I hate to brag, but I would say I'm like a level seven pen fighting master. Seriously. Haha. We just finished a "battle" not to long ago, so now we're covered in battle scars. Which is literally just a bunch of pen marks. Promise. There was no blood. This time...

- Delanna

P.S. In case you were wondering, I've never once caused Delaney to bleed while doing this. I swear. Delaney, on the other hand, is a completely different story. She's pretty violent even when we're not doing anything, so she gets too pumped up during stuff like this. Last time, she caused me to gush blood for like ten minutes. It was kind of cool, but then it wasn't because blood makes me sick. Especially when it's my own. Though overall, I don't mind when I get hurt as long as she's happy.

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