Sunday, August 7, 2016

Power Outages Are the Worst

Power outages are literally the worst. Why? Because it's too hot without air conditioning, and air conditioning doesn't work without electricity. Yes, normally my house is super hot since we already don't have air conditioning due to the construction on our house, but I consider fans as a type of air conditioning. Right now, they are all just useless piles of metal. I totally warned my parents about this and told them that we should invest in battery operated fans, but nooooooo. According to them, the likelihood of the power going out is slime, and even if it did, it wouldn't be that hot. Lies. It's so hot right now that I'm literally trying to fan Pandy with a paper fan to make sure she doesn't overheat. There is no way I'm getting any sleep tonight...

- Delanna

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