Friday, November 4, 2016


Hahahaha. That's a super weird title. I don't even know what I was thinking. Actually, I kinda do. Art History abandoned me. Why you ask? It just did. I was scheduling my class for winter quarter, right? Well, yeah, in theory. I had no trouble whatsoever scheduling my foundation classes, but when the time came to schedule my elective class, well, let's just say it didn't go so well. Apparently, by the time my scheduling slot opened up, every spot in Art History II was filled to the brim, so I got suck with Communications. COMMUNICATIONS! I hate communicating with people. People scare me. Persons are much nicer. But, in Communications, you have to communicate with people. PEOPLE. Just kill me now. Please? I know I have to take the class and everything eventually, but it can wait 'til like sophomore year, right?

- Delanna

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