Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Most Expensive Bag of Chips. EVER.

Before my 8:00 AM class, I usually get chips and a drink to help wake me up since I'm not a morning person. Well, today, my stupid chips got stuck in the stupid vending machine. It was literally about to fall when it got stuck. I spent a good ten minutes violently shaking the machine and cursing at it all while sobbing hysterically from the lack of sleep. I eventually gave up and wound up paying for the same slot of chips just to get the stupid bag out, so it wound up becoming one of the most expensive bags of chips I've ever gotten from a vending machine before. It was a terrible experience overall and is one that I would rather never repeat again.

- Delanna

P.S. I now understand how people die from vending machines. You just get so caught up in the bag of whatever that got suck in the machine that you are unable to fully comprehend what's going on around you, so you wind up violently shacking the machine until it falls on top of you and crushes you. But, hey, the bag of chips is totally worth it.

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