Wednesday, November 9, 2016

So Can I Like Become a Canadian Citizen?

I hear that Canada's nice this time of year. Well, I mean, ya know, freeze-until-you-die kind of nice, but you get the point. It's nicer than the States right now. Free health care guys! No Trump! No Clinton! I'm loving it. I'm like super considering it. I wish we could just scrap this election and start all over. Seriously. I've been up all night so far watching the results as they come in, and I just feel the sense of dread building up. Either way, we're all doomed. Yaaaaay. I dunno about you guys, but I've lived a good life. I mean, I still have some regrets. Like everything that happened in high school. There are still things I wanna say to people about that and verbal punches I wanna deal out, but still... 18 years is nothing to scoff at. It's been nice knowing y'all, and I can't wait to meet again on the other side since, ya know, the world is probably gonna end after this election.

- Delanna

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