Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I Think My Roommate Is Drunk

I'm not 100% sure, but I think my roommate might be drunk. At least, she's acting like she's drunk. It's weird. All I wanna do is finish my project (I honestly don't even care what she does with herself as long as she leaves me alone), but nooooooo... She just loves annoying the hell outta me. I was trying to cut the edges of my project with an exacto knife a little while ago when she snuck up behind me and scared the hell outta me. Not only did I wind up slicing my project (thankfully, I sliced the edge that I didn't need), but I also sliced my hand open. Yay. It won't stop gushing blood, so I'm kinda typing this up with one hand because the other is kinda incapacitated at the moment. I wound up having to go down to the convenience store and had to buy gauze to help stop the bleeding. Still isn't working though. I changed it like twice already. Meanwhile, my roommate is laughing like a maniac with no consideration for my hand or my project...

- Delanna

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