Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Happy Thanksgiving to You (A Tale About Ships That AREN'T Pirate Ships)

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had a wonderful holiday full of turkey flesh, pig guts, and all that other lovely stuff you meat-eaters insist on eating. I, on the other hand, had a nice tofurkey-filled day. Yay me. Not only did I have wonderful vegetables (thankfully, they were edible this time and didn't move, so thanks J.O.'s for not failing where The Hive does), but I also got to tour a naval ship which was pretty awesome. And, no, it wasn't a pirate ship even though my roommate swore up and down that it was a pirate ship. I wanted to murder her cause she was so stupid. Any idiot could tell that the ship (El Galeon) was flying the Spanish naval flag and not the Jolly Roger or any other form of pirate flags. Anyway, back to my story. In order to tour the ship, I had to cough up ten dollars, but it was totally worth it. It was a pretty cool ship even though it was pretty small. I dunno why, but I think I might have a ship fetish of some sort because I kept obsessing over everything... My roommate and my friend just laughed at me the entire time while I was drooling over anchors and cannons. I think I was having more fun than the kids running around playing pirates. Is that sad? Whatever. I got a lot of sketchbook material out of this, so hopefully my Drawing professor will be pleased. Also, I got to go on a ship again which was the best part of my holiday since it's been so long since I last stepped foot on one (a.k.a. I'm super happy). Overall, this was the best ten dollars I've ever spent.

- Delanna

P.S. For all of you uneducated people out there, "Jolly Roger" refers to the traditional skull and crossbones symbol found on a black flag that most people associate with pirate ships even though it was really only used during the 1720s and wasn't even the original design used for the flag itself. Don't worry. I won't bore you with the details, but if you wanna know more, just ask me. I love talking about ships.

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