Monday, November 21, 2016

That Awkward Moment When Your FYE Professor Forgets to Tell You That Class Is Cancelled...

I woke up early this morning for literally no reason whatsoever. It was pure hell. Seriously, why do people enjoy getting up in the mornings? The only reason I got up early was because I had a FYE class at 9:00 AM, and I have a nasty habit of oversleeping sometimes. In order to counteract that, I wake up like three hours earlier than what I have to. Then, I drag myself to Jen library half asleep only to suffer for hour while trying not to fall back asleep. Well, apparently, my FYE class was cancelled today, and my professor totally forgot to tell the class. When a couple of us tried to go in our usual classroom, a different professor told us that FYE was cancelled which sucked. Usually, I'm super pumped when class gets cancelled because means that I can sleep in and study on my own, but nooooooooooooo, not today. Today was just a complete waste because not only did I wake up early for no reason, but if I tried to go back to sleep I would have never gotten back up... So I've been suffering from sleep deprivation all day.

- Delanna

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