Friday, November 25, 2016

That Awkward Moment When the President of Your College Sits Behind You

At my college (and maybe any other college that has a president), all hell breaks loose when the president comes to town. Just by watching everyone's reaction, you would think that a celebrity or some sort of royalty or even the president of the bloody United States was in town and not the person that literally owns SCAD and apparently talks to bees... Nope. Just the president of SCAD. I can't say that I've ever really met the lady until today. I mean, I've seen her from a distance, but I've never been "blessed" with her presence or held a proper conversation with her until today. My Drawing professor held a gesture jam with a live band for students as an apology of sorts for the students who had to stay for Thanksgiving, and I decided to go with a friend that's also in the same class as me for the bonus our professor was offering us. We sat towards the back of the auditorium because it had a better view of the stage, so we didn't give the people who came in late much thought. Actually, we were drawing so furiously that we couldn't have given a thought if we wanted. We just kinda looked around the people as they came in which is what we did when a lady with a small entourage following her walked in halfway through the jam. Towards the end, there was a giveaway where the professors walked through the audience and gave prizes to the students with the gestures they liked most. Well, my professor loved mine (only because it was a blind contour, and he is literally obsessed with them), so I got this huge, fluffy picture frame (yes, it is red and fluffy, so don't judge...). Personally, I thought my friend's gestures were much better since they were actually gestures, but whatever. Anyway, the woman who had come in late with the entourage had apparently sat behind us, so she started congratulating me and complementing our work. When my friend and I turned around to thank her, we got the shock of our lives. THE BLOODY PRESIDENT OF SCAD WAS SITTING BEHIND US. AND HAD COMPLIMENTED US. AND HAD TOUCHED MY FRIEND'S SHOULDER. AND HAD SHAKEN HANDS WITH ME. It was pretty insane. I've never really thought of myself as an amazing artist before (even though I'm attending a pretty prestigious ART college), so in a way, receiving a compliment like that from someone who owns a college that produces super talented individuals who go on to work for big name companies was a real confidence booster. Like maybe I can make this whole animator thing work out even though I've been having some doubts lately (thanks a lot, roommate). Oh well, either way, I'm never washing my hand again. Even if that means my personal hygiene will take some damage. Well, a lot of damage because charcoal... It's so messy. I hate it.

- Delanna

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