Monday, November 14, 2016

The Meaning of Life Is...

How the hell should I know? It's such a broad topic. There is no single correct answer. So, when someone asked me why I didn't make my blog about something meaningful like the meaning of life or something inspirational instead of the random things I write about on a daily basis, I was like why bother? No one really takes me seriously. Like ever. So, why bother putting my personal opinions on something that deep out there when no one gives a care about my opinions on lesser things to begin with? Nah, I think I will stick with the way my blog is right now. It shows who I am as an artist. Well, a lazy artist would be more accurate since I can't even be bothered with paragraphs... But, still, I'm pretty random in my daily interactions with people and in my art, so why not show it on this thing? See? It makes no sense. I don't really like thinking about stuff like that. I like being random. It's much more exciting. Besides, I find serious blogs to be super boring. Why would anyone want to sit down and read blog posts full of paragraphs about statistics and how humans are racing towards their own inevitable destruction? Boooooooooooring. I think mine is much more entertaining than that because you never know what I might post about next. :)

- Delanna

P.S. I do hope that I at least inspire people to be random or something. I feel like I'm the least inspirational person out there, but still, I make laziness an art! Doesn't that make you feel inspired to do the same? Yes...? No...? Maybe...?

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