Friday, November 4, 2016

Why Do People Enjoy Photography?

I don't understand why people enjoy photography, and I definitely don't understand why people are so willing to spend thousands of dollars just to get a major in photography (yes, I'm looking at you photography majors). I'm literally no good at it. Just ask my professor in Design 100. It only took like seventy-four tries before I was able to take a picture that I could actually use for my still-life project (see photo below). But, then again, I don't think my inability to take pictures is the only thing at fault here. It may have also been the fact that I had to wake-up at 6:00 AM (thanks a lot roommate for kicking my mattress off my bloody bed again just because I didn't immediately turn of my alarm) after staying up super late the night before (again, thanks a lot roommate for staying up to all hours of the night just to watch movies and stuff). I'm just not a morning person, so I was kinda falling asleep on the bus. And in class. Oh well. Not much I can do about it now. All I can really do now is cry while I wait for the weekend bus to show up (nah, not really crying, but I am super depressed about this morning).

- Delanna

P.S. Did you know that some typewriters feel super heavy and are super awkward to carry? Well, I kinda knew that, but I got a better understanding of it after I had to lug the typewriter in my picture up about three flights of stairs and then back down three flights of stairs once I was done with it. It was not enjoyable. At all.

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