Just finished taking an almost three hour Art History test, and I can't feel my hand. Tests in my class are literally just writing down everything you know about certain pieces, It's absolute torture, but it's also easy to get an A because all you have to do is put whatever you know down and make it look good. Simple. But painful. My hand is black and blue. I have to finish my final Design project tonight, and since I currently can't feel my hand like at all, I'm not so sure how this is gonna work. Guess I'm pulling another all-nighter because I can't really start on the project until I can feel my hand enough to hold charcoal for at least a short period of time.
- Delanna
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Drawing Class Is Such a Pain
Drawing class is such a pain sometimes. Why? Because my professor tells us a project is due one day, so we all stay up super late the night before trying to finish it on time and make it look good only to find out that he moved the date back to the next class. I legit pulled an all-nighter for this stupid final project, so now I'm exhausted for no good reason. Just kill me now. How much longer do I have to put up with this? A whole week?
- Delanna
- Delanna
Monday, November 28, 2016
Pray For Us, Monty Jesus
Finals week. My old enemy. Hahaha. Not really. I would have to have legit finals for that to be true, and fortunately, I only have final projects. Yay? Oh well. It seems like everyone around me (especially people who have classes in Monty Hall) is praying to Monty Jesus. Yes, my college apparently does stuff like this. Monty is the hall for any major that requires highly powerful and specialized computers and software that enjoy to crash at the worst possible moment, and it used to have a paintinge of a guy who looked exactly like Jesus hanging up in it. People start leaving candles and whatnot by it and would pray asking for the Monty Jesus to let their stuff render correctly or whatever. Even though the picture has long since been removed, people are still crazy about it. It's weird, but whatever. Who am I to judge?
- Delanna
- Delanna
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Pizza Fairy, Pizza Fairy, PIZZA FAIRY!
If you go to college, just know that your college doesn't love you. Unless your college has a pizza fairy like mine. Then, your college loves you. If not, it doesn't care about you at all. The pizza fairy is the best fairy of all and puts the tooth fairy adn all other fairies to shame. Who cares about getting money for teeth when you can get free pizza for all of the stress your college puts you through during finals week?! Our pizza fairy stops at different halls and gives students two slices of free pizza (all based on the honor system) in order to make the little stressed-out art students suffering from sleep-deprivation feel better. Isn't it beautiful? Pizza tastes the best when it's free.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Done Done Done
I'm so done with life. I have like two final projects to complete, and I'm just done. I can't. Just can't. I've barely been at it for like two hours, and I'm just done. Someone. Please, just put me outta my misery already. Stupid finals week.
- Delanna
P.S. Just disregard my incoherent babbling. I think I will just go numb my mind with anime. Yes, I think I will actually go do that...
- Delanna
P.S. Just disregard my incoherent babbling. I think I will just go numb my mind with anime. Yes, I think I will actually go do that...
Friday, November 25, 2016
That Awkward Moment When the President of Your College Sits Behind You
At my college (and maybe any other college that has a president), all hell breaks loose when the president comes to town. Just by watching everyone's reaction, you would think that a celebrity or some sort of royalty or even the president of the bloody United States was in town and not the person that literally owns SCAD and apparently talks to bees... Nope. Just the president of SCAD. I can't say that I've ever really met the lady until today. I mean, I've seen her from a distance, but I've never been "blessed" with her presence or held a proper conversation with her until today. My Drawing professor held a gesture jam with a live band for students as an apology of sorts for the students who had to stay for Thanksgiving, and I decided to go with a friend that's also in the same class as me for the bonus our professor was offering us. We sat towards the back of the auditorium because it had a better view of the stage, so we didn't give the people who came in late much thought. Actually, we were drawing so furiously that we couldn't have given a thought if we wanted. We just kinda looked around the people as they came in which is what we did when a lady with a small entourage following her walked in halfway through the jam. Towards the end, there was a giveaway where the professors walked through the audience and gave prizes to the students with the gestures they liked most. Well, my professor loved mine (only because it was a blind contour, and he is literally obsessed with them), so I got this huge, fluffy picture frame (yes, it is red and fluffy, so don't judge...). Personally, I thought my friend's gestures were much better since they were actually gestures, but whatever. Anyway, the woman who had come in late with the entourage had apparently sat behind us, so she started congratulating me and complementing our work. When my friend and I turned around to thank her, we got the shock of our lives. THE BLOODY PRESIDENT OF SCAD WAS SITTING BEHIND US. AND HAD COMPLIMENTED US. AND HAD TOUCHED MY FRIEND'S SHOULDER. AND HAD SHAKEN HANDS WITH ME. It was pretty insane. I've never really thought of myself as an amazing artist before (even though I'm attending a pretty prestigious ART college), so in a way, receiving a compliment like that from someone who owns a college that produces super talented individuals who go on to work for big name companies was a real confidence booster. Like maybe I can make this whole animator thing work out even though I've been having some doubts lately (thanks a lot, roommate). Oh well, either way, I'm never washing my hand again. Even if that means my personal hygiene will take some damage. Well, a lot of damage because charcoal... It's so messy. I hate it.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Thursday, November 24, 2016
A Happy Thanksgiving to You (A Tale About Ships That AREN'T Pirate Ships)
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had a wonderful holiday full of turkey flesh, pig guts, and all that other lovely stuff you meat-eaters insist on eating. I, on the other hand, had a nice tofurkey-filled day. Yay me. Not only did I have wonderful vegetables (thankfully, they were edible this time and didn't move, so thanks J.O.'s for not failing where The Hive does), but I also got to tour a naval ship which was pretty awesome. And, no, it wasn't a pirate ship even though my roommate swore up and down that it was a pirate ship. I wanted to murder her cause she was so stupid. Any idiot could tell that the ship (El Galeon) was flying the Spanish naval flag and not the Jolly Roger or any other form of pirate flags. Anyway, back to my story. In order to tour the ship, I had to cough up ten dollars, but it was totally worth it. It was a pretty cool ship even though it was pretty small. I dunno why, but I think I might have a ship fetish of some sort because I kept obsessing over everything... My roommate and my friend just laughed at me the entire time while I was drooling over anchors and cannons. I think I was having more fun than the kids running around playing pirates. Is that sad? Whatever. I got a lot of sketchbook material out of this, so hopefully my Drawing professor will be pleased. Also, I got to go on a ship again which was the best part of my holiday since it's been so long since I last stepped foot on one (a.k.a. I'm super happy). Overall, this was the best ten dollars I've ever spent.
- Delanna
P.S. For all of you uneducated people out there, "Jolly Roger" refers to the traditional skull and crossbones symbol found on a black flag that most people associate with pirate ships even though it was really only used during the 1720s and wasn't even the original design used for the flag itself. Don't worry. I won't bore you with the details, but if you wanna know more, just ask me. I love talking about ships.
- Delanna
P.S. For all of you uneducated people out there, "Jolly Roger" refers to the traditional skull and crossbones symbol found on a black flag that most people associate with pirate ships even though it was really only used during the 1720s and wasn't even the original design used for the flag itself. Don't worry. I won't bore you with the details, but if you wanna know more, just ask me. I love talking about ships.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Vacation Days Are...Boring...
I had today off since it's a holiday (well, kinda...), but it's been kinda boring. I mean, my roommate and I got so bored that we took the shopping express to the mall which was kinda fun, but overall, it was just kinda dull. I did, however, get a pretty wicked shirt about karma from Hot Topic on sale and the latest volume of My Hero Academia, so the trip wasn't a complete waste. Buuuuuuut, I missed dinner because apparently The Hive closed early today (along with every other dining hall), so I'm kinda starving right now...
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
The Most Expensive Bag of Chips. EVER.
Before my 8:00 AM class, I usually get chips and a drink to help wake me up since I'm not a morning person. Well, today, my stupid chips got stuck in the stupid vending machine. It was literally about to fall when it got stuck. I spent a good ten minutes violently shaking the machine and cursing at it all while sobbing hysterically from the lack of sleep. I eventually gave up and wound up paying for the same slot of chips just to get the stupid bag out, so it wound up becoming one of the most expensive bags of chips I've ever gotten from a vending machine before. It was a terrible experience overall and is one that I would rather never repeat again.
- Delanna
P.S. I now understand how people die from vending machines. You just get so caught up in the bag of whatever that got suck in the machine that you are unable to fully comprehend what's going on around you, so you wind up violently shacking the machine until it falls on top of you and crushes you. But, hey, the bag of chips is totally worth it.
- Delanna
P.S. I now understand how people die from vending machines. You just get so caught up in the bag of whatever that got suck in the machine that you are unable to fully comprehend what's going on around you, so you wind up violently shacking the machine until it falls on top of you and crushes you. But, hey, the bag of chips is totally worth it.
Monday, November 21, 2016
That Awkward Moment When Your FYE Professor Forgets to Tell You That Class Is Cancelled...
I woke up early this morning for literally no reason whatsoever. It was pure hell. Seriously, why do people enjoy getting up in the mornings? The only reason I got up early was because I had a FYE class at 9:00 AM, and I have a nasty habit of oversleeping sometimes. In order to counteract that, I wake up like three hours earlier than what I have to. Then, I drag myself to Jen library half asleep only to suffer for hour while trying not to fall back asleep. Well, apparently, my FYE class was cancelled today, and my professor totally forgot to tell the class. When a couple of us tried to go in our usual classroom, a different professor told us that FYE was cancelled which sucked. Usually, I'm super pumped when class gets cancelled because means that I can sleep in and study on my own, but nooooooooooooo, not today. Today was just a complete waste because not only did I wake up early for no reason, but if I tried to go back to sleep I would have never gotten back up... So I've been suffering from sleep deprivation all day.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Apparently, People Google Me
So, a friend of mine was trying to find my blog, and she decided to google it. Apparently, it's been searched enough to where she didn't even have to type the whole name in. She had started with the "vegetarian pig" part and simply wound up clicking on "vegetarian pig lover blog delanna" search which conveniently brought her to my blog. I guess I am secretly popular? Maybe?
- Delanna
P.S. Just let me dream... Don't ruin this for me... I am popular. For once. In theory. Or so I would like to believe. :)
- Delanna
P.S. Just let me dream... Don't ruin this for me... I am popular. For once. In theory. Or so I would like to believe. :)
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Dang... Depression...
Whelp. I was forced to get a Facebook account. After years of boycotting it, I was finally forced to get one. Depression. Don't get me wrong. I still don't believe in Facebook or any of those other stupid social media sites. The only reason I have one now is because one of my friends basically forced me to have one by making one in my name so that I could sign up for some event. I don't even know how to use the stupid thing, so don't except too much from it.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Friday, November 18, 2016
Happy Birthday, Mickey!
Yay! It's Mickey Mouse's 86th birthday! It's kinda weird when a cartoon mouse is older than your grandfather, but whatever. Mickey is pretty cool. In order to celebrate, here's a beautiful video of Mickey celebrating his birthday around the world. Enjoy!
- Delanna
Thursday, November 17, 2016
The World Is Gonna End
The end is nigh. I actually drew something in drawing class today. It's a miracle. We spent the entire class drawing a piece of fabric (and in charcoal of all things), so it was a bit torturous. But, whatever! I drew something! Finally! I'm so happy even if it looks terrible and unfinished.
- Delanna
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
I Think My Roommate Is Drunk
I'm not 100% sure, but I think my roommate might be drunk. At least, she's acting like she's drunk. It's weird. All I wanna do is finish my project (I honestly don't even care what she does with herself as long as she leaves me alone), but nooooooo... She just loves annoying the hell outta me. I was trying to cut the edges of my project with an exacto knife a little while ago when she snuck up behind me and scared the hell outta me. Not only did I wind up slicing my project (thankfully, I sliced the edge that I didn't need), but I also sliced my hand open. Yay. It won't stop gushing blood, so I'm kinda typing this up with one hand because the other is kinda incapacitated at the moment. I wound up having to go down to the convenience store and had to buy gauze to help stop the bleeding. Still isn't working though. I changed it like twice already. Meanwhile, my roommate is laughing like a maniac with no consideration for my hand or my project...
- Delanna
- Delanna
My Design Professor Must Hate Us
So, remember that whole post about how I can't understand why people loved photography and whatnot? Well, let's have a continuation of that conversation. The photo I took that day was used in my still life photography project where I basically had to edit the thing and make it look professional. Well, it didn't turn out so great (it was kinda my first time doing this). As one of the requirements of the project, I had to print the photo out on legit photo paper which wasn't fun. My professor gave us a list of places that we could print it out at, so I decided to try them out. Weeeeeeell, the first place had weird hours and wasn't opened on Tuesdays or Wednesdays which was totally lovely. Not. The second place not longer printed stuff. I mean, come on! By this point, I was totally despairing. Thankfully, the third place had really weird hours, so I was finally able to print my picture out. I mean seriously, what kind of printing place stays open until ten on Tuesdays and Wednesdays? How convenient was that? Actually, I just got really lucky.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
The Mysteries of Life
Why bother having a drawing class if all you ever do is discuss drawing instead of actually drawing? That's what I would like to know. All I ever wind up doing in my drawing class is talk about techniques and do critiques.We rarely actually draw. I think we only wound up drawing for about ten minutes in today's class. It's ridiculous. I think the world would end if we actually spent the class DRAWING. But, then again, my drawing style has improved significantly, so maybe the class is actually working even if I don't realize it?
- Delanna
- Delanna
Monday, November 14, 2016
The Meaning of Life Is...
How the hell should I know? It's such a broad topic. There is no single correct answer. So, when someone asked me why I didn't make my blog about something meaningful like the meaning of life or something inspirational instead of the random things I write about on a daily basis, I was like why bother? No one really takes me seriously. Like ever. So, why bother putting my personal opinions on something that deep out there when no one gives a care about my opinions on lesser things to begin with? Nah, I think I will stick with the way my blog is right now. It shows who I am as an artist. Well, a lazy artist would be more accurate since I can't even be bothered with paragraphs... But, still, I'm pretty random in my daily interactions with people and in my art, so why not show it on this thing? See? It makes no sense. I don't really like thinking about stuff like that. I like being random. It's much more exciting. Besides, I find serious blogs to be super boring. Why would anyone want to sit down and read blog posts full of paragraphs about statistics and how humans are racing towards their own inevitable destruction? Boooooooooooring. I think mine is much more entertaining than that because you never know what I might post about next. :)
- Delanna
P.S. I do hope that I at least inspire people to be random or something. I feel like I'm the least inspirational person out there, but still, I make laziness an art! Doesn't that make you feel inspired to do the same? Yes...? No...? Maybe...?
- Delanna
P.S. I do hope that I at least inspire people to be random or something. I feel like I'm the least inspirational person out there, but still, I make laziness an art! Doesn't that make you feel inspired to do the same? Yes...? No...? Maybe...?
Sunday, November 13, 2016
How a Spider Catches Its Prey
Were you scared to death of spiders before now like I am? Well, prepare to fear for your life because this will make them 100% more terrifying than you ever thought possible. Just re-watching it freaks me out. Why is something so small so freaking scary?
- Delanna
- Delanna
Saturday, November 12, 2016
An Arctic Day in the Summer
Ever wondered what a day in the Arctic looks like during the summer? It's surprisingly really cool and totally makes me wish that I was living there since the days are so short here during the winter. Sad. I barely have time to do the stuff I wanna do before the sun goes down.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Friday, November 11, 2016
*Insert Title Here*
Meh. I don't feel like coming up with a title today. It's been a pretty long day since I've had TWO BLOODY MAKE-UP CLASSES on a day that is SUPPOSED to be part of my weekend. Curses. Anyway, remember way way waaaaaaay back in February when I first started this blog? Probably not. Well, here's a refresher for you. In my introduction, I said that someone basically talked me into doing writing this blog during physics class. Remember now? Well, I read that person's blog every day, but now, she's apparently shutting it down. Which is super sad. I'm gonna miss reading her posts cause they are pretty entertaining.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Thursday, November 10, 2016
I've been up for about twenty-six hours straight now which has given me more than enough time to think about my life (because when I don't have sleep, I apparently go all disillusion and start thinking about philosophical things). I wound up coming up with a list of regrets because, I mean, who doesn't have regrets, right? So, without further ado, here are the things I regret most in life (apparently):
4. EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF HIGH SCHOOL. Seriously. I hated it that much.
5. Buying one too many Sprites...
Wow. Honestly, my regrets in life suck. I don't really regret many things in life cause I wind up accepting them for the most part. Well, except for the high school one. That one's kinda seriously, but as for the other ones... Let's just chalk those up to the lack of sleep. :P
- Delanna
2. Waiting until the last minute to write to essays even though I had a good reason to (drawing projects don't do themselves).
3. Not sleeping for the last TWENTY-SIX BLOODY HOURS.
4. EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF HIGH SCHOOL. Seriously. I hated it that much.
5. Buying one too many Sprites...
Wow. Honestly, my regrets in life suck. I don't really regret many things in life cause I wind up accepting them for the most part. Well, except for the high school one. That one's kinda seriously, but as for the other ones... Let's just chalk those up to the lack of sleep. :P
- Delanna
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
So Can I Like Become a Canadian Citizen?
I hear that Canada's nice this time of year. Well, I mean, ya know, freeze-until-you-die kind of nice, but you get the point. It's nicer than the States right now. Free health care guys! No Trump! No Clinton! I'm loving it. I'm like super considering it. I wish we could just scrap this election and start all over. Seriously. I've been up all night so far watching the results as they come in, and I just feel the sense of dread building up. Either way, we're all doomed. Yaaaaay. I dunno about you guys, but I've lived a good life. I mean, I still have some regrets. Like everything that happened in high school. There are still things I wanna say to people about that and verbal punches I wanna deal out, but still... 18 years is nothing to scoff at. It's been nice knowing y'all, and I can't wait to meet again on the other side since, ya know, the world is probably gonna end after this election.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Ye Olde Drawing Professor Jokeths Not
I don't even know what that means. And, I don't think my drawing professor knows what it means either even though he said it. I was sitting on a drawing horse (better known as an art student torture device) working on my critique for class like everyone else when suddenly out of nowhere my professor just says, "Ye olde drawing professor jokeths not," leaving us speechless because first off, he didn't say anything before hand, and second, it was literally in the middle of this awkward silence. It was kinda weird, but hey, we got a good laugh out of it.
- Delanna
Monday, November 7, 2016
Vegan Slaughterhouse
Hahaha. Is this a meat-eater's nightmare? The blood of veggitables staining the walls of a slaughterhouse? Hmmmmm...

- Delanna
Sunday, November 6, 2016
I Should Totally Be Asleep Right Now
Do you ever have one of those nights when you know you should be asleep because you have to wake up early in the morning , but you just can't fall asleep no matter what you do? Well, tonight is just one of those nights for me. Which sucks.
- Delanna
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Is It Possible for Food to Eat YOU?
I feel like it is. I was eating at The Hive today, and I caught my food moving. BY ITSELF. THAT'S NOT NORMAL. I hadn't even touched it yet, and it was moving. Then again, most of the food they serve us at The Hive isn't normal... Creeeeeeepy. I have a feeling that my pasta was plotting about eating me.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Friday, November 4, 2016
Hahahaha. That's a super weird title. I don't even know what I was thinking. Actually, I kinda do. Art History abandoned me. Why you ask? It just did. I was scheduling my class for winter quarter, right? Well, yeah, in theory. I had no trouble whatsoever scheduling my foundation classes, but when the time came to schedule my elective class, well, let's just say it didn't go so well. Apparently, by the time my scheduling slot opened up, every spot in Art History II was filled to the brim, so I got suck with Communications. COMMUNICATIONS! I hate communicating with people. People scare me. Persons are much nicer. But, in Communications, you have to communicate with people. PEOPLE. Just kill me now. Please? I know I have to take the class and everything eventually, but it can wait 'til like sophomore year, right?
- Delanna
- Delanna
Why Do People Enjoy Photography?
I don't understand why people enjoy photography, and I definitely don't understand why people are so willing to spend thousands of dollars just to get a major in photography (yes, I'm looking at you photography majors). I'm literally no good at it. Just ask my professor in Design 100. It only took like seventy-four tries before I was able to take a picture that I could actually use for my still-life project (see photo below). But, then again, I don't think my inability to take pictures is the only thing at fault here. It may have also been the fact that I had to wake-up at 6:00 AM (thanks a lot roommate for kicking my mattress off my bloody bed again just because I didn't immediately turn of my alarm) after staying up super late the night before (again, thanks a lot roommate for staying up to all hours of the night just to watch movies and stuff). I'm just not a morning person, so I was kinda falling asleep on the bus. And in class. Oh well. Not much I can do about it now. All I can really do now is cry while I wait for the weekend bus to show up (nah, not really crying, but I am super depressed about this morning).
- Delanna
P.S. Did you know that some typewriters feel super heavy and are super awkward to carry? Well, I kinda knew that, but I got a better understanding of it after I had to lug the typewriter in my picture up about three flights of stairs and then back down three flights of stairs once I was done with it. It was not enjoyable. At all.
- Delanna
P.S. Did you know that some typewriters feel super heavy and are super awkward to carry? Well, I kinda knew that, but I got a better understanding of it after I had to lug the typewriter in my picture up about three flights of stairs and then back down three flights of stairs once I was done with it. It was not enjoyable. At all.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
I'm Starting to Enjoy Thursday Nights
I used to hate Thursday nights back in high school because I usually had class the next morning which meant I actually had to get up in the morning, but now, I'm starting to enjoy them since I no longer have class on Fridays. Nowadays, I can stay up however late I want to on a Thursday night without any consequences the following morning. It's great.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Do ever wonder what would have happened if you had chosen to do something differently for a certain event in your life? Would you be better or worse off now? Or maybe happier or sadder as a result? Or would you be a completely different person because of that choice? I'm not really sure why, but I've been thinking about this a lot. I guess it is because a lot of people I know keep bring up the past which makes me think about certain choices I made in high school. I wonder. If I had chosen differently for some of them, would I be happier today as a result of those choices? Or would I still be depressed every time I think about high school? It kinda makes me wish I could travel back to the past and experiment with different choices in order to determine which ones lead to a happier life, ya know?
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
And, Apparently, I Am Now Addicted to Tetris of All Things...
I have a problem, and I have no idea how or when it started. It's just weird. All of a sudden, I've become obsessed with tetris. I've never really been into it before, but I've started playing it when I'm bored because it's a pretty simple game. And, now, I can't stop. Someone. Please. Help me. This can't possible be a good thing for me. I'm already addicted to too many things (but nothing horrible for my health or anything like that).
- Delanna
- Delanna
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