Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Britches Are Coming?!

I was calling Social Studies information out for my younger sister to help her out with her midterm studying. We started talking about the American Revolution, and I asked who was on what side. She answered that it was obviously the colonists vs. the britches leaving me extremely confused. I was like britches? Delaney preceded to lecture me about how the colonists weren't actually fighting the British. She claimed that the were actually waging war with their uncomfortable britches that they were forced to wear and how they wanted to abolish wedgies (not taxes). Upon hearing her lecture, I nearly died. Of laughter. For a good ten or so minutes. Just thinking about it now kills me. My mind keeps wondering. Like would Paul Revere be riding a horse (britchless or course) while yelling, "THE BRITCHES ARE COMING! THE BRITCHES ARE COMING!" Or would the Boston Tea Party actually have been a whole bunch of kilt-wearing colonists tossing crates of fabric into the harbor? I need to stop thinking about this now... Before I permanently scar or kill myself... With laughter... So much laughter...

- Delanna

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