Friday, December 30, 2016

I Almost Died...

MY BROTHER CANNOT DRIVE TO SAVE HIS LIFE. It's not his fault though. Even though he's technically sixteen, no one really takes him out to practice his driving, so he still only has a permit. My mom had this brilliant idea that I could take him out for driving practice since I don't have school at the moment and can, technically speaking, act as his licensed driver. Actually, it was a HORRIBLE idea. BECAUSE I ALMOST DIED. LIKE FIVE TIMES. Literally, we weren't even off the street we live on, and he had already almost hit two trash cans. With my car (my mom said my dad's was to precious to be used which left mine). By the time we finished the practice session, Kylle almost hit two small children, one bicyclist, and three different cars. It was a pretty traumatic experience for me, and I don't think I will ever ride with him driving ever again. Or even drive for myself.

- Delanna

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