Thursday, December 1, 2016

My Final Day of My First Quarter in College and How It Went to Hell in About Two Seconds

Finally, my last day of the fall quarter has come and gone. And, it was totally a living hell kinda thing. So, last night, I got next to no sleep at all because of my final Design project (I did nod off once or twice, so technically speaking, I did get a little sleep). I will admit that this project was nowhere near my best work (but it was enough to earn me an A), but I didn't need my roommate to sit over my shoulder and judge me while I was putting the finishing touches on it about two hours before the class started. Literally, she stated everything that was wrong with it and more which made me feel like the worst person alive. Clearly, she doesn't understand the concept of constructive criticism at all because if she did, she wouldn't completely tear me down without at least pointing out the few things I did right. Like I really needed her insulting the way I use charcoal. IT WAS THE WAY I WAS TAUGHT. SHOOT ME. I apologize for insulting charcoal with my blasphemous ways of using it. Anywaaaaay, when my final class rolled around, I was so tired from the lack of sleep and from listening to her that I actually VOLUNTEERED to present my project in the beginning of class (I never volunteer to go first because I like going last, but whatever) and immediately fell asleep as soon as I was done, so I basically slept through my last class of the quarter. Yay me. But, it didn't end there because guess what! My roommate dragged me all over the dorm after her class was over because she wasn't capable of going to the laundromat by herself... Awkward... At least, I get to go home tomorrow, but then again, that means I have to deal with people back home that I really don't wanna deal with. Buuuuuuuut, I get to see Moana with my bestie, so all's well that ends well. Or whatever saying that would best fit this.

- Delanna

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