Saturday, December 10, 2016

Is It Sad That I Took My Guinea Pig to Take Pictures With Santa?

I know. I'm a weird and horrible person, but it was adorable. I probably scarred poor Pandy for life from the car ride to and from the pet store (she kept trying to dig a hole in her carrier, but I was like you can't dig through cardboard...), the creepy Chihuahua in front of us that kept looking at her like she was lunch, the overly friendly Dalmatian that tried to tackle us while saying hello, and the downright terrifying Santa that probably came straight outta some horror movie. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, she was sooooooo adorable!!! I promise I will never ever make her do this again...until Easter when they have the Easter Bunny... Then, I'll never do it again... Probably... At least until next Christmas...

- Delanna

P.S. I'm unworthy of such a cooperative guinea pig who puts up with all of my stupid whims and humors me no matter how ridiculous I get. Seriously, Pandy is like the most patient creature in existance. I do not deserve her. At all. But, she still likes me for some reason. I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH. I constantly obsess about her and take pictures of her (ask everyone who knows me, and they can tell you just how much I obsess about her because I always talk about her with them and show off cute pictures of her). I'm like that crazy guinea pig lady who spends the last of her money on a Christmas outfit for her little baby (which I totally did). IT'S NORMAL! IT'S TOTALLY 100% NORMAL... Just humor me...and say it's normal...

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