Saturday, December 24, 2016

Just Awkwardly Burning Pies...

I can't cook or bake or whatever. I burn, decimate, or create toxic waste. Every. Single. Time. Without fail. I don't even know why. It just happens. I follow the instructions perfectly, but it always turns out the same way. Like today, for instance. My mom, grandmother, and I were all baking Christmas pies together because it'll probably be our last Christmas together. My mom's and my grandmother's pies all turned out perfectly. Mine? It wound up looking like it had just emerged from wreckage of a nuclear plant or something. It was horrifying to at and terrifying to have to eat (it kinda tasted like mustard). Maybe one day, I'll be able to cook. Then, my mom can't use my cooking tto threaten anyone anymore.

- Delanna

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