Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Delanna's Yearly Pants Rant

I HATE PANTS. HATE HATE HATE 'EM. Pants are evil. It's as simple as that. All I want to do is liberate the world of pants. Why do I hate pants? Simple. They are awkward, long, uncomfortable, annoying, and many, many other things. I mostly just have bad experiences with pants, so I like to rant about them every year. Like, for example, today. Today, I had a bad experience with pants. I was going to hang out with someone today, so my mom told me not to look like a fool and wear pants. It was kinda cold, so I was like this won't be so bad, right? WRONG. IT WAS BAD. Stupid temperature went from about 50 degrees to 80 degrees in about an hour. I WANTED TO DIE FROM HEAT STROKE. This is why I like shorts. You can always warm up (for the most part), but you can't always cool down. At least, that's my experience. I know pretty much 99.999999% of what I have just ranted about makes absolutely no sense to no one except for myself, but whatever! DOWN WITH PANTS! LIBERATION! BURN 'EM! OTHER PROPAGANDA PHRASES! DIE PANTS! The end. Until next year's pants rant...

- Delanna

P.S. My usual rant about pants is much longer than this, but I'm a lazy, lazy, lazy human being who doesn't feel like typing the whole thing up. So, if you happen to see me before I go back to Savannah, you'll probably get the full I-hate-pants-and-wish-they-would-all-die rant. Yay you!

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