Tuesday, March 28, 2017

True Intimidation

Never in my life have I ever felt so intimidated by two people. I got to my Action Analysis class super early, and since there were no chairs or desks or anything, I sat on the ground kinda near the door. As people started coming in, the spaces around the wall started to fill up quickly, so two guys wound up sitting on either side of me. For the ice breaker, the professor had us talk to our neighbors. So, I decided to start with the guy on my right, but he whipped out a bible and completely ignored me (until he needed a pencil and then started begging to use mine). A LEGIT BIBLE. I mean, who does that? It's great to be religious and all, but that was a bit weird. And, super intimidating because he emitted this aura of "I'm totally better than you because I'm so religious that I read the bible everywhere" kinda thing. Since he was kinda a lost cause (and totally freaking me out), I turned to the guy on my left. I was reading a light novel before class, so he asked me which one it was. When I told him, he was like yeah I read that, but I don't like reading them in English. I only read them in kanji. Which totally threw me off. The way he said it sounded like he was looking down on me because of my inability to read kanji, and of course, it was super intimidating. I kinda gave up all hope of communicating with anyone after that because people are scary and intimidating, and I just didn't want to deal with that. So, I wound up curling up in a ball and comforting myself by rocking back and forth while telling myself that everything was okay.

- Delanna

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