Friday, March 10, 2017

That Awkward Cloud of Depression, Stress, Anxiety, And Pretty Much Any Other Negative Emotion You Can Think Of

Finals week. It's everyone's favorite week, right? Riiiiiiiight? Hahaha. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Right now, I'm pretty chill. I have all A's in my classes, and I'm on the Dean's List again. Everyone else? Nope. While no one around me is saying anything, it's pretty obvious that most of them are beyond stressed out. I don't have to ask. I can literally see a cloud of depression, stress, anxiety, and any other negative emotion associated with finals surrounding the dorm. It's kinda funny. But, at the same time, it's kinda sad. Oh well, I probably need to stop wasting time and finish all three of my final projects...

- Delanna

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