Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Today is definitely my favorite day of the year. Do you know why? You would if you read the title. IT'S NATIONAL PIG DAY! AND, I'M OBSESSED WITH PIGS! So, today is a wonderful day (even though it's been one bad thing after another). In honor of this glorious day (seriously, this should be everyone's favorite day of the year), here is an adorable picture of a pig dressed up like a cowboy.

Image result for piglets

- Delanna

P.S. I RECEIVED NO HAPPY NATIONAL PIG DAY WISHES. I can't believe my parents forgot. I had to bug them until they wished me a very happy National Pig Day. I can't believe the nerve of those people. They leave me behind while they go to  Walt Disney World, and they can't even wish me a happy National Pig Day?!

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