Wednesday, March 15, 2017

My Hair is Now the Color of My Enemies' Blood

Both of my roommates have finally left to go fly home for the break, so I finally have the dorm room all to myself. But, at what cost?! I'm dying of boredom. I don't get to go home until Sunday because apparently my brother just realized that he has no life (even though I've been telling him this for years) and wanted to change that by going to the St. Patrick's Day parade. BY HIMSELF. Like that's going to change anything. In fact, I'm pretty sure that makes it worse. But anyway, because of that, my parents informed me that getting me would have to wait. Yaaaaaaaay... NOT. Actually, the joke is on them because I get to go to one of the world's largest St. Patrick's Day parade IN THE WORLD because apparently the one held in Savannah is just that big. Weird, right? Well, anyway, I'm currently dying of boredom since all of my friends went home with the exception of one who really isn't the type of "friend" that one hangs out with (if that makes any sense). I'm running out of things to do. I've been watching hours worth of anime, and I've cleaned the entire room (which is no easy feat considering how lazy my other two roommates are). I've even had time to dye my hair. I didn't have my usual blue-ish color, so I dyed my hair red. And, now, it looks like the blood of my enemies. Bwahahahaha. At first, I didn't think I would like it, but it's growing on me. I still miss blue though. Now that it's dry, I'm trying to think of other things to do, but I can't come up with anything else. I'm just to bored to really apply myself. I guess...

- Delanna

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