Tuesday, March 14, 2017


I LOVE THE SWEET TASTE OF FREEDOM! Seriously, it tastes pretty good for something that has no tangible substance for one to taste. I had my final two class today and turned in that annoying pair of shoes I had to call a final project for design, so now I'm free! Spring break here I come! I honestly can't wait to go home and sleep. Especially after last night's all-nighter.

- Delanna

P.S. I don't think I ever want to see another pair of shoes ever again in my life. Let alone wear them. After my design final, my love of shoes has been ruined. There is nothing harder and more frustrating to paint on that a shoe. Seriously, never ever try it unless you are willing to die on the inside after spending 106 hours (pretty much straight with breaks for certain necessities) working on just the plastic part.

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