Wednesday, February 15, 2017


As you all should know, I hate King Cake. So, why would my parents send me some? It's because my friends wanted to try it. They didn't believe me when I told them that I celebrated it, so they wanted proof. We had a mini party together in my dorm room to eat the cake. Some people stayed for a really long time while others came and left because homework is a thing. I told everyone before they grabbed a piece that there was a baby in one of the pieces because I didn't want them to choke or anything, but none of them believed me. After most of the cake was gone, a friend that had left to go do work sent me this picture with the words "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME?!" attached to it.

The poor guy didn't believe me when I said he had the possibility of finding a baby in his cake. He was like who puts babies in cakes? Isn't that against the law (he though I meant actual baby parts even though I clearly stated that the baby was plastic)? Instead of proceeding with caution like I warned him to, he took a bite of the cake and got a mouth full of baby. It was hilarious. Especially because he thought I was trying to kill him. With a plastic baby. My friends (who are all from the North) just do not understand the wonders of the South.

- Delanna

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