Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Apparently, It's Valentine's Day?

I forgot about this sorry excuse for a holiday. Why do people celebrate this day again? It's kinda annoying. I went to the mailing center to pick up my package, and I had to wait in a ridiculously long line for a ridiculously long time because it seems like everyone was picking up cards and flowers that their girlfriends/boyfriends sent them. I was waiting in line with a friend, and his girlfriend sent him this huge thing of flowers that was quite literally half my size. It was ridiculous. When I actually got up to the counter, the guy working the desk was like you here to pick up something from your boyfriend/ girlfriend? I was like hell no. Don't have one of those. I'm here to pick up something for Mardi Gras from my parents. He kinda gave me this look like what the heck is Mardi Gras? When he brought me my package, he was carefully caring it (it was marked as fragile), and he asked me what was in it because it was so heavy. I told him that it was a cake, and he kinda got peeved because he told me his thought it was glass or something and was being extra careful with it. He was right about it being super heavy though. Caring that thing back to my dorm was killer. Who knew cake could be some heavy? Yes, there was other stuff in it like beads, a magazine, chips, gummies, earphones, and bags, but the cake was the heaviest thing in there. The other stuff barely weighted anything.

- Delanna

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