Friday, February 17, 2017

Scheduling Classes Is Hell

Ever wonder what hell is like? You have to be in a certain class by a certain time, but there are only so many classes that teach the subject that you need to take with most of them being almost full. You're allowed to start scheduling at a certain time, and if you don't get that class, you can't leave. That is hell. It is the constant cycle of trying to get that one remaining spot in a class and failing miserably. Well, this time, I didn't fail. I MANAGED TO ENTER MY MAJOR! I'm so proud of myself. I was kinda freaked out because Action Analysis was already almost full, and I had an early scheduling time. But, hey, I managed to snag one of the nine remaining spots. And then, SCAD added like ten more Action Analysis classes, so it doesn't even matter anymore. Oh well. I still feel like a hero returning from a war. SCAD can't ruin this feeling for me.

- Delanna

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