Monday, February 13, 2017

Curse You, Mailing Center!

The mailing center was kind enough to send me an email telling me the package my parents sent had arrived safely at the center. The only thing that was wrong with this was that THEY SENT IT TO ME AFTER THE CENTER CLOSED! I MEAN COME ON! Now, I have to pick up my package tomorrow which is gonna be like the busiest day ever. Curse you, mailing center. Curse you.

- Delanna


  1. hahahahahahaha this made me laugh! Yo its Lindsey from back home! I'm stalking your page because my friend took my phone away and LEFT ME STRANDED WITH NO PHONE and I just really need to procrastinate. It sounds like you're having an interesting time at SCAD.

  2. I am having a lot of fun. Where the heck are you stranded at? I was wondering why you randomly commented on my post. :P
