Friday, February 10, 2017


I FINALLY FINISHED MY MIDTERM PORTFOLIO FOR DESIGN! I'M SO HAPPY! It only took me like sixteen sleepless hours straight (with no breaks) to finish it. It looks horrible, but at this point I don't care. I used up all of my glue, rubber cement, and double-sided tape on this thing. I'm so done with it that I couldn't care less. I am so excited to turn it in. And, now, I can finally get some sleep because I'm about to die. I haven't slept since about six in the morning yesterday, and I haven't eaten since around noon of yesterday, too. I realize that I've kinda been ignoring my health lately, but since I'm not really all that hungry right now, I'm going to completely skip eating again so that I can just get a little bit of sleep. That's all I need. I think. I dunno. I hope that I don't die? Not that I really care at this point. I need all the rest that I can get. So, ya know, 'night!

- Delanna

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