Thursday, January 19, 2017

Thursday Night is Party Night at SCAD

In the famous words of my Communications professor, "Thursday night is party night here at SCAD." It's probably because no one has classes on Friday since we're expected to go off into the world and study on our own. Or whatever. Usually, Thursday nights are full of art students going to clubs, playing random musical instruments that no one has ever heard of in the courtyard, running around shooting people with nerf guns, arguing over a couple rounds of Cards Against Humanity, sleeping in halls because they couldn't make it all the way to their room before giving in to exhaustion, eating only God knows what, etc., etc., but tonight it was pretty much dead silent. Probably because everyone has make-up classes tomorrow. Sad. On top of that, my major Drawing project is due tomorrow, and I still haven't finished. So, goodbye, sleep. Looks like I'm pulling an all-nighter. I'll miss you. Until tomorrow.

- Delanna

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