Tuesday, January 17, 2017

That Awkward Moment When You Almost Drink Whatever Is Leftover in Your Painting Cup

All of you non-artists out there may not understand this, but anyone who has ever painted late into the night will definitely understand this. I was super tired last night, so don't judge me too much, okay? I stayed up late in to the night trying to finish my Design homework which was painting some color theory stuff. It was giving me a hard time because I hate painting (never have been good at it), and I was suffering from lack of sleep which definitely didn't do me any good. I had been been mixing paints together for about two hours, so the cup that I used to wash my brushes was full of pitch black water (in case no one informed you, if you mix a lot of colors together, you eventually get black which something a lot of people don't realize for some reason). So, yeah, I was pretty fed up with paint and felt the need for a sip of the hard stuff (with the hard stuff being a soft drink for me since it pretty much has the same affect as being drunk on me). I meant to reach for my coke, but apparently, I grabbed the cup holding my cleaning water. I almost didn't realize it. I was so close to drink that murky, black ooze in my cup. So nasty, but then again, it was kinda my fault since I use the same size cup for everything. I should probably find different sized cups. It might help. But, hey, at least I'm not like my roommate who using the same cup for everything. Drinking, paint mixing, other unspeakable things that I was told never to repeat... And, on top of that, I've never once seen her wash it... Scary, right? That's the stuff nightmares are made of right there.

- Delanna

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to say that although I am not an artist, I like to paint and have gotten a sip of paint water instead of coffee. It was upsetting and embarrassing, but hey no one ever knew about it...until now, I guess...oops
