Sunday, January 15, 2017

So... Like Fries, Anyone?

My roommate and I went out for a night (more like twenty-two minutes) of fun on Broughton Street, one of the most popular streets in Savannah (or so it seems). My roommate wanted to get ice cream at Leopold's which is this old-fashioned ice cream parlor. Their ice cream is pretty good (or so I think), but then again, what do I know since I'm lactose intolerant? She kept bugging me to go, but I was like fries... I really wanted fries, so I was like McDonald's because the ice cream is gonna make me sick. After that comment, she preceded to insult my diet which she claims is made mostly of fries (which is not actually true). In the end, we went to both. She got her ice cream, and I got my fries which made us both happy. In a way. Until she dropped her ice cream and started stealing my fries as compensation...

- Delanna

P.S. None of this makes any sense does it? Oh well. I'm like half-asleep because I really want to go to bed, but I have to take a shower first. Buuuuuuut, our shower is clogged, so waiting for the water to go down is killer.

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