Sunday, January 1, 2017

Merry New Year's... Or Whatever...

Happy New Year's! Yaaaaaaaaay! I have to say I'm glad 2016 is over. It's been like the worst year of my bloody life (did anyone else find that leap second practically unbearable?) mostly because of the people in my life and super lucky events. I'm glad to have a fresh, new year all to myself that I get to live far, far, far away from all of my problems. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, now I'm stuck driving back to Savannah because my college just has to start on the 4th, so it's like out of the frying pan and in to the pot (or whatever that saying is). At least, I have the latest Sherlock episode to comfort me. Did anyone else think it was literally the best thing ever?! I loved it! Minus like that one part where **** dies. Sad.

- Delanna

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