Monday, January 16, 2017

Mind the Gap

Do ever just get blanks in your memory where you just can't remember anything that you just did? Like not even a little bit? Well, today, I have a huge gap in my memory. Yes, yes, I know I'm already ridiculously forgetful (ya know, since I forget common knowledge like my age or birthday), but it's never been this bad to where I don't even have a clue of what I did for several hours. Apparently, according to what I pieced together from looking at my records, I woke up this morning, talked to both my mom and dad at separate times over the phone, cashed in one of my meals at the dining hall, and took a nap. After waking up several hours later (in my bed), I had no recollection of any of this. I don't remember talking to either of my parents at all (let alone what we talked about). I don't remember leaving my dorm and eating. I definitely don't remember what I ate. And, I most certainly never remember waking up in the first place. Maybe I'm just losing my mind? I dunno. I know for a fact that I'm too young for this. Last time I checked, I'm only 18 years old in theory (I think), so I shouldn't be this forgetful yet (unless I sustained major brain damage that I forgot about). Maybe I should go see a doctor or something? Who knows?

- Delanna

P.S. In case you were wondering, the title is a reference to a sign found in the British tube and means to watch out for the gap between the tube and the platform.

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