Sunday, January 22, 2017

Just Kick Me Out, Why Don't Ya?

My drawing professor is amazing. He's super helpful and always holds these extra help sessions where he'll sit down with you (one-on-one) to work with you for extra credit. The help sessions are surprisingly empty (like today's) with maybe a handful of people showing up which is like the stupidest thing ever. IT'S FOR BONUS. ATTEND. How could you not attend for the easy extra credit?! I just can't comprehend this! Well, anyway, I decided to go because I wanted some help getting my gesture drawings of the figure (and not just because I wanted the bonus points that I don't really need). Apparently, I don't really express myself, so I wanted his help to improve in that area. Everyone else who showed up wanted to do architectural studies and perspective studies (and other stuff like that) which is super easy in my opinion, so he basically kicked me out of the room and sent me to study on my own in the SCAD Museum of Art. He had me go down to the first floor and do gesture drawings of anything and everything that I saw for twenty minutes. It was pretty boring at first because I started off in the sculpture section which is currently housing huge blocks of granite (that are soooooooo much fun to draw...not...), but it got more entertaining when I got to the photography. After twenty minutes, I showed him my work, and he talked it through with me. According to him, in just twenty minutes of self-study, I improved more than most people improve in two weeks. How cool is that?! I'm pretty happy with myself right now.

- Delanna

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