Saturday, January 14, 2017

Apparently, I'm a Ninja?

According to one of my roommates and a friend, I am a ninja. And a pretty good one at that. Apparently, I either hide my presence really well or just don't have much of a presence to begin with. They claim it's the latter one, but I like to pretend that it's just because I'm smart and can figure out how to avoid being noticed. Aaaaaaaanyway, I was taking too long at the bookstore today, so they decided to leave me behind and go to a candy store. I finished up almost immediately after they left, so I decided to follow them and see how long it would take for them to notice me. It took a good thirty minutes or so for them to finally notice me, and it was only because I stopped being so careful about not being seen due to boredom. I was able to follow them all the way to the candy store (while hearing their entire conversation), and I was even able to go in the tiny store with them and avoid their notice by pretending to be wrapped up in looking at candies. While it was kinda cool that I was able to do (since ya know, I may one day have to lay low after a first failed attempt at taking over the world or something), it kinda makes me a bit sad even though I did it a couple of times (on different occasions) as a joke. I get overlooked a lot, and my friends are probably right. I don't have a lot of "presence" to begin with. Never have and never will. It's kinda like an inferiority thing? I guess? Who knows? All I know is that I would make a pretty epic spy (Maybe I should go down that path instead of becoming an artist), but I just wonder if there is anyone out there who will ever truly understand me and notice me for who I am because they want to spend time with me rather than get something out of me.

- Delanna

P.S. Honestly speaking, I have two people in life who understand me well and seem to put up with my antics (and I'm grateful to them for that), but it's hard without them here with me. Especially when it seems that the world is always against you, ya know?

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