My drawing professor is amazing. He's super helpful and always holds these extra help sessions where he'll sit down with you (one-on-one) to work with you for extra credit. The help sessions are surprisingly empty (like today's) with maybe a handful of people showing up which is like the stupidest thing ever. IT'S FOR BONUS. ATTEND. How could you not attend for the easy extra credit?! I just can't comprehend this! Well, anyway, I decided to go because I wanted some help getting my gesture drawings of the figure (and not just because I wanted the bonus points that I don't really need). Apparently, I don't really express myself, so I wanted his help to improve in that area. Everyone else who showed up wanted to do architectural studies and perspective studies (and other stuff like that) which is super easy in my opinion, so he basically kicked me out of the room and sent me to study on my own in the SCAD Museum of Art. He had me go down to the first floor and do gesture drawings of anything and everything that I saw for twenty minutes. It was pretty boring at first because I started off in the sculpture section which is currently housing huge blocks of granite (that are soooooooo much fun to draw...not...), but it got more entertaining when I got to the photography. After twenty minutes, I showed him my work, and he talked it through with me. According to him, in just twenty minutes of self-study, I improved more than most people improve in two weeks. How cool is that?! I'm pretty happy with myself right now.
- Delanna
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Saturday, January 21, 2017
It's Raining Elephants...Not Cats and Dogs...
It's raining. It's pouring. The old man is snoring. Blah. Blah. Blah. I wish it would stop already. It's hard enough as it is getting from academic building to academic building. I do not need rain to add to the pain. I'm soaked enough as it is already. I was waiting for the bus with someone, and they were like it's really raining cats and dogs, isn't it? No. No, it is not. It's raining elephants. I had to set them straight. I can live with cats and dogs falling out of the sky, but this isn't cats or dogs. Unless they are super fat cats and dogs. No, I think it is more accurate to call it elephants.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Friday, January 20, 2017
How Do Normal College People Survive?
I don't understand how people who attend normal colleges survive. Classes on Fridays are the worst. I miss not having class on Fridays!! Why did SCAD have to cancel classes on Monday and move them to Friday?! That's so stupid! Why couldn't we have just celebrated that holiday on Friday rather than Monday?! It makes more sense that way!
- Delanna
- Delanna
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Thursday Night is Party Night at SCAD
In the famous words of my Communications professor, "Thursday night is party night here at SCAD." It's probably because no one has classes on Friday since we're expected to go off into the world and study on our own. Or whatever. Usually, Thursday nights are full of art students going to clubs, playing random musical instruments that no one has ever heard of in the courtyard, running around shooting people with nerf guns, arguing over a couple rounds of Cards Against Humanity, sleeping in halls because they couldn't make it all the way to their room before giving in to exhaustion, eating only God knows what, etc., etc., but tonight it was pretty much dead silent. Probably because everyone has make-up classes tomorrow. Sad. On top of that, my major Drawing project is due tomorrow, and I still haven't finished. So, goodbye, sleep. Looks like I'm pulling an all-nighter. I'll miss you. Until tomorrow.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
The Art of Not Getting Killed...By Art...
I have a major project due on Friday (since class was cancelled on Monday for one of the most pointless holidays ever, all classes have to be made up on Friday) in Drawing, and it's physically killing me. It's not like it's a hard assignment or anything. It's actually the opposite. It's too easy, but it's a lot and totally time consuming. I can't find the motivation to actually start it, so, yeah, it's kinda killing me. I just can't do it. Anime is much more interesting right now. Seriously, Nanbaka is like the best anime ever. It's waaaay more entertaining than having to draw 15 architectural sketches that include working lines and use varied line marks to convey spacial depth.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
That Awkward Moment When You Almost Drink Whatever Is Leftover in Your Painting Cup
All of you non-artists out there may not understand this, but anyone who has ever painted late into the night will definitely understand this. I was super tired last night, so don't judge me too much, okay? I stayed up late in to the night trying to finish my Design homework which was painting some color theory stuff. It was giving me a hard time because I hate painting (never have been good at it), and I was suffering from lack of sleep which definitely didn't do me any good. I had been been mixing paints together for about two hours, so the cup that I used to wash my brushes was full of pitch black water (in case no one informed you, if you mix a lot of colors together, you eventually get black which something a lot of people don't realize for some reason). So, yeah, I was pretty fed up with paint and felt the need for a sip of the hard stuff (with the hard stuff being a soft drink for me since it pretty much has the same affect as being drunk on me). I meant to reach for my coke, but apparently, I grabbed the cup holding my cleaning water. I almost didn't realize it. I was so close to drink that murky, black ooze in my cup. So nasty, but then again, it was kinda my fault since I use the same size cup for everything. I should probably find different sized cups. It might help. But, hey, at least I'm not like my roommate who using the same cup for everything. Drinking, paint mixing, other unspeakable things that I was told never to repeat... And, on top of that, I've never once seen her wash it... Scary, right? That's the stuff nightmares are made of right there.
- Delanna
- Delanna
Monday, January 16, 2017
Mind the Gap
Do ever just get blanks in your memory where you just can't remember anything that you just did? Like not even a little bit? Well, today, I have a huge gap in my memory. Yes, yes, I know I'm already ridiculously forgetful (ya know, since I forget common knowledge like my age or birthday), but it's never been this bad to where I don't even have a clue of what I did for several hours. Apparently, according to what I pieced together from looking at my records, I woke up this morning, talked to both my mom and dad at separate times over the phone, cashed in one of my meals at the dining hall, and took a nap. After waking up several hours later (in my bed), I had no recollection of any of this. I don't remember talking to either of my parents at all (let alone what we talked about). I don't remember leaving my dorm and eating. I definitely don't remember what I ate. And, I most certainly never remember waking up in the first place. Maybe I'm just losing my mind? I dunno. I know for a fact that I'm too young for this. Last time I checked, I'm only 18 years old in theory (I think), so I shouldn't be this forgetful yet (unless I sustained major brain damage that I forgot about). Maybe I should go see a doctor or something? Who knows?
- Delanna
P.S. In case you were wondering, the title is a reference to a sign found in the British tube and means to watch out for the gap between the tube and the platform.
- Delanna
P.S. In case you were wondering, the title is a reference to a sign found in the British tube and means to watch out for the gap between the tube and the platform.
Sunday, January 15, 2017
So... Like Fries, Anyone?
My roommate and I went out for a night (more like twenty-two minutes) of fun on Broughton Street, one of the most popular streets in Savannah (or so it seems). My roommate wanted to get ice cream at Leopold's which is this old-fashioned ice cream parlor. Their ice cream is pretty good (or so I think), but then again, what do I know since I'm lactose intolerant? She kept bugging me to go, but I was like fries... I really wanted fries, so I was like McDonald's because the ice cream is gonna make me sick. After that comment, she preceded to insult my diet which she claims is made mostly of fries (which is not actually true). In the end, we went to both. She got her ice cream, and I got my fries which made us both happy. In a way. Until she dropped her ice cream and started stealing my fries as compensation...
- Delanna
P.S. None of this makes any sense does it? Oh well. I'm like half-asleep because I really want to go to bed, but I have to take a shower first. Buuuuuuut, our shower is clogged, so waiting for the water to go down is killer.
- Delanna
P.S. None of this makes any sense does it? Oh well. I'm like half-asleep because I really want to go to bed, but I have to take a shower first. Buuuuuuut, our shower is clogged, so waiting for the water to go down is killer.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Apparently, I'm a Ninja?
According to one of my roommates and a friend, I am a ninja. And a pretty good one at that. Apparently, I either hide my presence really well or just don't have much of a presence to begin with. They claim it's the latter one, but I like to pretend that it's just because I'm smart and can figure out how to avoid being noticed. Aaaaaaaanyway, I was taking too long at the bookstore today, so they decided to leave me behind and go to a candy store. I finished up almost immediately after they left, so I decided to follow them and see how long it would take for them to notice me. It took a good thirty minutes or so for them to finally notice me, and it was only because I stopped being so careful about not being seen due to boredom. I was able to follow them all the way to the candy store (while hearing their entire conversation), and I was even able to go in the tiny store with them and avoid their notice by pretending to be wrapped up in looking at candies. While it was kinda cool that I was able to do (since ya know, I may one day have to lay low after a first failed attempt at taking over the world or something), it kinda makes me a bit sad even though I did it a couple of times (on different occasions) as a joke. I get overlooked a lot, and my friends are probably right. I don't have a lot of "presence" to begin with. Never have and never will. It's kinda like an inferiority thing? I guess? Who knows? All I know is that I would make a pretty epic spy (Maybe I should go down that path instead of becoming an artist), but I just wonder if there is anyone out there who will ever truly understand me and notice me for who I am because they want to spend time with me rather than get something out of me.
- Delanna
P.S. Honestly speaking, I have two people in life who understand me well and seem to put up with my antics (and I'm grateful to them for that), but it's hard without them here with me. Especially when it seems that the world is always against you, ya know?
- Delanna
P.S. Honestly speaking, I have two people in life who understand me well and seem to put up with my antics (and I'm grateful to them for that), but it's hard without them here with me. Especially when it seems that the world is always against you, ya know?
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
My Approach to Pretty Much Everything
It's probably not the best approach, but, hey, it's what works for me apparently... I guess... Actually, this is just how everything in my life seems to be going. Guess I gotta turn my life around somehow...
- Delanna

- Delanna
Monday, January 2, 2017
The Feeling of Having the Dorm Room All to Yourself
I'm so happy! Neither of my roommates are coming until tomorrow, so I have the entire room to myself. While I'll admit that I'm a bit bored, it is quiet in here for once which is super nice. No snoring and no arguing. My one wish in life has finally been granted. Well, for like 24 hours, but whatever. Is it weird that I'm just having a mini dance party all by myself while snacking on gummies? That's normal, right? I think it is... Meh. Who cares? I'm having fun, and that's all that matters.
- Delanna
P.S. I bought all of my textbooks for the next quarter today with my dad before he left. Textbooks are heavy and hard to carry. I just don't understand it.
- Delanna
P.S. I bought all of my textbooks for the next quarter today with my dad before he left. Textbooks are heavy and hard to carry. I just don't understand it.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Merry New Year's... Or Whatever...
Happy New Year's! Yaaaaaaaaay! I have to say I'm glad 2016 is over. It's been like the worst year of my bloody life (did anyone else find that leap second practically unbearable?) mostly because of the people in my life and super lucky events. I'm glad to have a fresh, new year all to myself that I get to live far, far, far away from all of my problems. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, now I'm stuck driving back to Savannah because my college just has to start on the 4th, so it's like out of the frying pan and in to the pot (or whatever that saying is). At least, I have the latest Sherlock episode to comfort me. Did anyone else think it was literally the best thing ever?! I loved it! Minus like that one part where **** dies. Sad.
- Delanna
- Delanna
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