Never in my life have I ever felt so intimidated by two people. I got to my Action Analysis class super early, and since there were no chairs or desks or anything, I sat on the ground kinda near the door. As people started coming in, the spaces around the wall started to fill up quickly, so two guys wound up sitting on either side of me. For the ice breaker, the professor had us talk to our neighbors. So, I decided to start with the guy on my right, but he whipped out a bible and completely ignored me (until he needed a pencil and then started begging to use mine). A LEGIT BIBLE. I mean, who does that? It's great to be religious and all, but that was a bit weird. And, super intimidating because he emitted this aura of "I'm totally better than you because I'm so religious that I read the bible everywhere" kinda thing. Since he was kinda a lost cause (and totally freaking me out), I turned to the guy on my left. I was reading a light novel before class, so he asked me which one it was. When I told him, he was like yeah I read that, but I don't like reading them in English. I only read them in kanji. Which totally threw me off. The way he said it sounded like he was looking down on me because of my inability to read kanji, and of course, it was super intimidating. I kinda gave up all hope of communicating with anyone after that because people are scary and intimidating, and I just didn't want to deal with that. So, I wound up curling up in a ball and comforting myself by rocking back and forth while telling myself that everything was okay.
- Delanna
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Absolute Boredom Achieved
I've never been so bored in my life before today. Sure, I've said this before I don't know how many times (and probably will say it just as many times in the future), but I'm pretty sure today takes the cake. I've been horribly bored all day and only left my dorm twice for food. If I didn't need food, I wouldn't have left. There's nothing left to do. I'm cleaned the entire place (twice), organized my stuff, packed to go home, made fun of my roommate for leaving half of her stuff behind, called my mom to annoy her (five times), and rolled around in my bed (106 times). I'M OUTTA THINGS TO DO. Just kill me now. Please?
- Delanna
- Delanna
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
My Hair is Now the Color of My Enemies' Blood
Both of my roommates have finally left to go fly home for the break, so I finally have the dorm room all to myself. But, at what cost?! I'm dying of boredom. I don't get to go home until Sunday because apparently my brother just realized that he has no life (even though I've been telling him this for years) and wanted to change that by going to the St. Patrick's Day parade. BY HIMSELF. Like that's going to change anything. In fact, I'm pretty sure that makes it worse. But anyway, because of that, my parents informed me that getting me would have to wait. Yaaaaaaaay... NOT. Actually, the joke is on them because I get to go to one of the world's largest St. Patrick's Day parade IN THE WORLD because apparently the one held in Savannah is just that big. Weird, right? Well, anyway, I'm currently dying of boredom since all of my friends went home with the exception of one who really isn't the type of "friend" that one hangs out with (if that makes any sense). I'm running out of things to do. I've been watching hours worth of anime, and I've cleaned the entire room (which is no easy feat considering how lazy my other two roommates are). I've even had time to dye my hair. I didn't have my usual blue-ish color, so I dyed my hair red. And, now, it looks like the blood of my enemies. Bwahahahaha. At first, I didn't think I would like it, but it's growing on me. I still miss blue though. Now that it's dry, I'm trying to think of other things to do, but I can't come up with anything else. I'm just to bored to really apply myself. I guess...
- Delanna
- Delanna
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
I LOVE THE SWEET TASTE OF FREEDOM! Seriously, it tastes pretty good for something that has no tangible substance for one to taste. I had my final two class today and turned in that annoying pair of shoes I had to call a final project for design, so now I'm free! Spring break here I come! I honestly can't wait to go home and sleep. Especially after last night's all-nighter.
- Delanna
P.S. I don't think I ever want to see another pair of shoes ever again in my life. Let alone wear them. After my design final, my love of shoes has been ruined. There is nothing harder and more frustrating to paint on that a shoe. Seriously, never ever try it unless you are willing to die on the inside after spending 106 hours (pretty much straight with breaks for certain necessities) working on just the plastic part.
- Delanna
P.S. I don't think I ever want to see another pair of shoes ever again in my life. Let alone wear them. After my design final, my love of shoes has been ruined. There is nothing harder and more frustrating to paint on that a shoe. Seriously, never ever try it unless you are willing to die on the inside after spending 106 hours (pretty much straight with breaks for certain necessities) working on just the plastic part.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
March Magic is Back Yet Again!
It's that time of year again! And, no, I'm not taking about all of the basketball stuff. I mean the Disney stuff. Here is the line-up for this year's Disneyland side of March Magic!

Haunted Mansion Holiday
Toad Hall Mayhem

Main Street Barbershop Quartet

Pirates of the Caribbean Cannonballs
Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters

Grizzly River Run Rafters

Autopia Mechanics

Matterhorn Bobsled Yodelers

Astro Orbiter Cadets

Jungle Cruise Skippers

Storybook Land Monstros

Toontown Cabbies

Big Thunder Mountain Goats

"It's a Small World" Internationals

Forbidden Eye Maras

Frontierland Churros

- Delanna
Adventureland Dole Whip

Haunted Mansion Holiday

Toad Hall Mayhem

Main Street Barbershop Quartet

Pirates of the Caribbean Cannonballs

Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters

Grizzly River Run Rafters

Autopia Mechanics

Matterhorn Bobsled Yodelers

Astro Orbiter Cadets

Jungle Cruise Skippers

Storybook Land Monstros

Toontown Cabbies

Big Thunder Mountain Goats

"It's a Small World" Internationals

Forbidden Eye Maras

Frontierland Churros

I don't know about you guys, but this year's t-shirts are looking pretty nice. I think I'm gonna root for "It's a Small World" Internationals or the Jungle Cruise Skippers. What about you?
- Delanna
Friday, March 10, 2017
That Awkward Cloud of Depression, Stress, Anxiety, And Pretty Much Any Other Negative Emotion You Can Think Of
Finals week. It's everyone's favorite week, right? Riiiiiiiight? Hahaha. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Right now, I'm pretty chill. I have all A's in my classes, and I'm on the Dean's List again. Everyone else? Nope. While no one around me is saying anything, it's pretty obvious that most of them are beyond stressed out. I don't have to ask. I can literally see a cloud of depression, stress, anxiety, and any other negative emotion associated with finals surrounding the dorm. It's kinda funny. But, at the same time, it's kinda sad. Oh well, I probably need to stop wasting time and finish all three of my final projects...
- Delanna
- Delanna
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Oh Wait, It's That Time Already?
I like sleep. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that I love it. I would literally do anything for sleep, but then this thing called college happened. Nowadays, I barely get enough sleep to survive. It's kinda funny. I remember in high school how I would be like oh it's 11:30 PM? I should probably go to bed now. This morning, it was 2:00 AM, and I was like I should probably go get dinner now. It's ridiculous how much my life has changed. Back in high school, I would never have eaten dinner at two in the morning, but it's now a regular occurrence (literally, it happens every time I have a major project). Thankfully, SCAD understands and keeps the deli open until super late at night (or early in the morning).
- Delanna
- Delanna
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Today is definitely my favorite day of the year. Do you know why? You would if you read the title. IT'S NATIONAL PIG DAY! AND, I'M OBSESSED WITH PIGS! So, today is a wonderful day (even though it's been one bad thing after another). In honor of this glorious day (seriously, this should be everyone's favorite day of the year), here is an adorable picture of a pig dressed up like a cowboy.
- Delanna
P.S. I RECEIVED NO HAPPY NATIONAL PIG DAY WISHES. I can't believe my parents forgot. I had to bug them until they wished me a very happy National Pig Day. I can't believe the nerve of those people. They leave me behind while they go to Walt Disney World, and they can't even wish me a happy National Pig Day?!

- Delanna
P.S. I RECEIVED NO HAPPY NATIONAL PIG DAY WISHES. I can't believe my parents forgot. I had to bug them until they wished me a very happy National Pig Day. I can't believe the nerve of those people. They leave me behind while they go to Walt Disney World, and they can't even wish me a happy National Pig Day?!
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