Friday, October 21, 2016

Why Are Buses the Worst?!

The bus system here at SCAD sucks. Especially on Fridays. All I wanted to do was go to a certain hall for an event, but the problem was that I had to leave my dorm at least three hours in advance. If I didn't the likelihood of me getting on a bus that will take me there on time was very slim. Mostly because there is one bus per route over weekends, and there was a whole hell of a lot of people who wanted to go to the same hall. Let's just say, I was two hours late to the event I wanted to go even though I left so bloody early.

- Delanna

P.S. I guess I should mention that the event I went to was Senior Soirée. It was this thing where the seniors showcased their current animation projects and allowed underclassmen to sign up to work on them in order to get their names out there. I wound up signing up for like three while my roommate signed up for at least six. I'm gonna wind up working myself to death, but hey, who cares?

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