Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Evacuation Is Key

Yaaaaaaaaaay. Hurricane Matthew is going to hit Savannah, so our school is having us evacuate! Isn't that wonderful? No. No, it's not. Hurricanes aren't good. Especially when Walt Disney World decides to close its doors. That's when you know things are real. I guess, I am excited to go home for a bit though. It'll be nice to be roommate-free for a week or so because right now, one of my roommates is literally killing me. She's busy running around like a chicken with its head cut off while panicking about what to pack. Meanwhile, I'm literally in autopilot mode without a care in the world. Packing like a normal person. She asked me why I'm not freaking out, and I'm just like do you know how many category five hurricanes I'm lived through? She responded with the whole sob story about surviving Sandy, and I'm like you witnessed it at its category one phase and the only reason why it was "so bad" was because you and your family stupidly decided to go for a sightseeing drive during the freaking hurricane. I mean, who does that?! I know I'm not really one to talk because I've done some pretty crazy things myself, but this tops them all.

- Delanna

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