Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What to Do When You Lose a Sock (A Step By Step Process)

Step One: Once you realize you lost your sock, take deep breaths.
Step Two: Begin tearing apart your dorm trying to look for it.
Step Three: Unfold all of the clothes you just folded to make sure you didn't accidentally fold it up with a shirt or something.
Step Four: Stop trying to convince yourself that pairs of socks only consist of one sock instead of two. THIS IS UNTRUE. All pairs of socks consist of two socks. Obviously.
Step Five: Take more deep breaths and try not to pass out. If needed, find a paper bad immediately.
Step Six: Run around your dorm room again while re-tearing apart your room.
Step Seven: Start bugging one of your roommates about your lost sock.
Step Eight: Refuse to take your roommate's lame excuse about socks not mattering. ALL SOCKS MATTER. Do not give up on the poor sock. EVER.
Step Nine: Realize that your sock might have dropped out back in the laundry room while you were transferring your clothes.
Step Ten: Run out of your dorm like a maniac while forgetting your ID.
Step Eleven: Run back for your ID. You will need this for the laundry room and for getting back into you dorm room.
Step Twelve: On your way back to the laundry room, carefully dodge all sound majors that may be polluting the hallways with their instruments, and carefully maneuver yourself around any painting majors who may have taken up residence on the stairs as they may be in a bad mood due to their roommates kicking them out of the room again for spilling their dang paint all over the floor yet again.
Step Thirteen: Make sure to refuse change to any laundry squatters who conveniently forgot their change as it may distract you from your goal and make you two dollars poorer.
Step Fourteen: Retrace your steps and try to remember which stupid machines you used.
Step Fifteen: Recall the dang machine you used last and push the fool in front of it out of your way.
Step Sixteen: Realize that the fool is standing on you sock, and make a noise dive for it.
Step Seventeen: After faking an apology to the fool that was standing on your sock, make your way back to your room all while cuddling and comforting your sock which just suffered extreme trauma.
Step Eighteen: Reunite your newly found sock with its soulmate.
Step Nineteen: Convince your roommate that YOU ARE NOT CRAZY because it was a bloody fandom sock which makes everything you just went through worth it.
Step Twenty: NEVER REPEAT STEPS ONE THRU TWENTY AGAIN. If you can help it.

- Delanna

P.S. I almost lost one of my brand-new Hatsune Miku socks today, and I sorta had this mental breakdown while following these steps. It was horrible, and my roommate made fun of me.

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