Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Yaaaay! It's Halloween! And, like usual, I'm the only one who didn't wear a costume. I thought since it was like college, no one would dress up, but I was dead wrong. I was quite literally one of the ten people I saw without a costume. So, in order to not stick out like a sore thumb, I made a last minute costume before my Art History class. I rubbed charcoal all over my face and became an art student who fell asleep on her project after working on it all night. Brilliant, right?

- Delanna

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Reverse Trick-or-Treating?

Reverse Trick-or-Treating is a scary thing. And yes, it is apparently a thing. Who would have guessed? I had no idea until like fifty different people came knocking on my door demanding to give us candy. Most of them refused to leave until we took like half a bowl worth of candy. The best part about this whole thing is that most of these people were cosplaying in legit costumes. Pretty wicked, but it was also kinda weird. I wound up getting enough candy to give an elephant a sugar high. I'm not sure I can eat all of this... Did anyone else have this problem at their dorm?

- Delanna

P.S. Who knows? Maybe next year, I'll join them...

Saturday, October 29, 2016

My Dorm Room Is Haunted... By an Angry Maid?

So, Julie and I are both in agreement. Our dorm room is haunted. We just don't know what is haunting it exactly, but we think it is a vengeful spirit of some maid that must have died a long time ago. Why do we think this? Because we keep finding unidentifiable liquids in our bathroom that may or may not be cleaning fluids. We think this so-called maid may have drowned in our very bathroom because an art student left behind paint in the bathroom after creating a masterpiece (involving said bathroom because that's totally a normal thing to do), and she tripped over said paint, fell into a full tub (a product of the masterpiece), and drowned because she was unable to tangle herself from her cleaning mob. Now, we believe she haunts our room trying to get revenge for her ridiculous death by scaring the heck out of poor art students right before Halloween. How else could you explain this creepy happening?

- Delanna

Friday, October 21, 2016

Why Are Buses the Worst?!

The bus system here at SCAD sucks. Especially on Fridays. All I wanted to do was go to a certain hall for an event, but the problem was that I had to leave my dorm at least three hours in advance. If I didn't the likelihood of me getting on a bus that will take me there on time was very slim. Mostly because there is one bus per route over weekends, and there was a whole hell of a lot of people who wanted to go to the same hall. Let's just say, I was two hours late to the event I wanted to go even though I left so bloody early.

- Delanna

P.S. I guess I should mention that the event I went to was Senior Soirée. It was this thing where the seniors showcased their current animation projects and allowed underclassmen to sign up to work on them in order to get their names out there. I wound up signing up for like three while my roommate signed up for at least six. I'm gonna wind up working myself to death, but hey, who cares?

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Death By Excto Knife: Is it Really the Best Way to Go?

Well, what do you think? I think not, and my roommate thinks that there are worse ways to go (meaning she doesn't think it's the worst way to go necessarily...). Why were we debating about this? Simple. Both of our exacto knives have it out for us. Neither one of us can use them with out injuring ourselves. Whether it's just slicing our hand open to where the bleeding won't stop (mostly me) or dropping the knife to where it almost stabs us in different places (mostly her), we are starting to run out of bandages. No, it's not just us using them incorrectly. I've checked, and I do use it in the proper way. It's just that the knife is probably possessed or something... I dunno. All I know is that I need to go to the convenience store to buy some more gauze before I die of blood loss or something...

- Delanna

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What to Do When You Lose a Sock (A Step By Step Process)

Step One: Once you realize you lost your sock, take deep breaths.
Step Two: Begin tearing apart your dorm trying to look for it.
Step Three: Unfold all of the clothes you just folded to make sure you didn't accidentally fold it up with a shirt or something.
Step Four: Stop trying to convince yourself that pairs of socks only consist of one sock instead of two. THIS IS UNTRUE. All pairs of socks consist of two socks. Obviously.
Step Five: Take more deep breaths and try not to pass out. If needed, find a paper bad immediately.
Step Six: Run around your dorm room again while re-tearing apart your room.
Step Seven: Start bugging one of your roommates about your lost sock.
Step Eight: Refuse to take your roommate's lame excuse about socks not mattering. ALL SOCKS MATTER. Do not give up on the poor sock. EVER.
Step Nine: Realize that your sock might have dropped out back in the laundry room while you were transferring your clothes.
Step Ten: Run out of your dorm like a maniac while forgetting your ID.
Step Eleven: Run back for your ID. You will need this for the laundry room and for getting back into you dorm room.
Step Twelve: On your way back to the laundry room, carefully dodge all sound majors that may be polluting the hallways with their instruments, and carefully maneuver yourself around any painting majors who may have taken up residence on the stairs as they may be in a bad mood due to their roommates kicking them out of the room again for spilling their dang paint all over the floor yet again.
Step Thirteen: Make sure to refuse change to any laundry squatters who conveniently forgot their change as it may distract you from your goal and make you two dollars poorer.
Step Fourteen: Retrace your steps and try to remember which stupid machines you used.
Step Fifteen: Recall the dang machine you used last and push the fool in front of it out of your way.
Step Sixteen: Realize that the fool is standing on you sock, and make a noise dive for it.
Step Seventeen: After faking an apology to the fool that was standing on your sock, make your way back to your room all while cuddling and comforting your sock which just suffered extreme trauma.
Step Eighteen: Reunite your newly found sock with its soulmate.
Step Nineteen: Convince your roommate that YOU ARE NOT CRAZY because it was a bloody fandom sock which makes everything you just went through worth it.
Step Twenty: NEVER REPEAT STEPS ONE THRU TWENTY AGAIN. If you can help it.

- Delanna

P.S. I almost lost one of my brand-new Hatsune Miku socks today, and I sorta had this mental breakdown while following these steps. It was horrible, and my roommate made fun of me.


Today is legit the best day of my life. Either that or I'm still asleep and dreaming. But, since I've been pinching myself for like the past two or three hours, I must not be dreaming, so it must be the best day of my life since I GOT A FREAKING INTERVIEW WITH DISNEY. Yes, you heard that right. I recently applied for the Disney College Program, and after apparently doing well on the online interview, I got a freaking phone interview! I'm so pumped up about this that I'm still mentally freaking out. It's crazy. I never thought that I could get this close to my dream already! Wish me luck!

- Delanna

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A Little Surprise

Little surprises are always the best. For the most part. Like when you happen to check your mailbox even though you know there isn't going to be anything, but there actually is something in there for you. It's pretty awesome. Apparently, my godparents send me a gift card to Barnes and Noble AND Subway (two of my favorite places) which totally turned my not-so-great day into a not-so-bad day. It really was a pleasant surprise. Unlike the other little surprise I found in my mailbox which involved a small family of spiders that kinda charged at me. Freaky.

- Delanna

Friday, October 7, 2016

Bad Memories

I made a stupid mistake today. I thought it would be a good idea to go to the CHS football game tonight since I was in town (and because my dad just really wanted me to come with him). Hahaha. Wrong. Since I came back, I keep running into people I don't wanted to see ever again. I ran into one girl (not mentioning any names, but if you have a brain, it shouldn't be hard to figure out... if you even care...) who pretty much made my band life in high school a living hell. The whole thing really ticked me off because she basically treated me like nothing had happened and made stupid side comments that just made everything worse. I feel really bad though because I was on edge the entire time and was a bit on guard, so I wound up coming across as cold to the person she was with. I felt so bad about that because I didn't mean anything by it and have nothing against her because she is actually cool.

- Delanna

P.S. It's kinda funny that I vented about this because I was reading my friend's blog and saw that she was also venting about this kinda stuff. It's weird how this stuff happens.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Evacuation Is Key

Yaaaaaaaaaay. Hurricane Matthew is going to hit Savannah, so our school is having us evacuate! Isn't that wonderful? No. No, it's not. Hurricanes aren't good. Especially when Walt Disney World decides to close its doors. That's when you know things are real. I guess, I am excited to go home for a bit though. It'll be nice to be roommate-free for a week or so because right now, one of my roommates is literally killing me. She's busy running around like a chicken with its head cut off while panicking about what to pack. Meanwhile, I'm literally in autopilot mode without a care in the world. Packing like a normal person. She asked me why I'm not freaking out, and I'm just like do you know how many category five hurricanes I'm lived through? She responded with the whole sob story about surviving Sandy, and I'm like you witnessed it at its category one phase and the only reason why it was "so bad" was because you and your family stupidly decided to go for a sightseeing drive during the freaking hurricane. I mean, who does that?! I know I'm not really one to talk because I've done some pretty crazy things myself, but this tops them all.

- Delanna