Saturday, September 10, 2016

Two Hours and Two Broken Self-Checkouts Later...

You would think my friends had never seen a self-checkout before in their lives after witnessing the way they reacted to it. It kinda blew my mind. I hate dealing with people, so when I was done getting my stuff, I headed to the self-checkout and went about my business after waiting in the line for what felt like two hours. Apparently, they followed me and were baffled at how quickly I checked my stuff out (I am, of course, a seasoned veteran of the self-checkout since I hate dealing with employees). Well, Julie went after me and managed to break it after about two seconds, so one of the employees had to come over and fix it for her. Twice. Because she kept breaking it. Meanwhile, Micheal was at a different self-checkout and broke it before he even touched it, so a different employee had to go fix it for him, too. It was ridiculous, and I laughed until my sides hurt. Especially when they finished and walked away completely confused. That killed me.

- Delanna

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