Friday, September 2, 2016


And now, a moment of random randomness (because I have nothing better to write about)! Yaaaaaay. I apologize in advance for what you are about to read/see. Well, not really. I would be lying to you if I said I cared. Continue at your own risk!

Right now, I'm listening to a song about french fries. Yes, you heard me correctly. There is a song about french fries. You can find it on the soundtrack Ratatouille: What's Cooking? The song is literally called "French Fries" and sung by Troy Johnson. How amazing is that? It sure makes me hungry every time I listen to it though...

How do you feel about spiders? Or bananas? If you're anything like me, you would hate them both with a burning passion, but if you don't (yet), you definitely will after watching this video. I'm not gonna spoil it for you before you watch it, but let's just say you'll never look at a banana the same way again...

Speaking of spiders, have you ever seen one that seems to explode? Well, it's disgusting. This video sure does make me glad that I don't live in Australia where everything seems to want to kill you.

And, as if you haven't already lost your appetite already... Hahaha. I KID. I KID! I promise. In a lame attempt to make everything less disgusting, here is one of my favorite anime characters who just so happens to have like the biggest eyebrows ever (Chaika from Chaika the Coffin Princess).

And, there you have it! Your dose of randomness for the day. Enjoy! Or not. Two of the random things weren't really pleasant... I think I may have scarred some people...

- Delanna

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