Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Moving :(

Whelp, this is it. Goodbye, Louisiana! Hello, Georgia! I'm finally moving! Goodbye suckers! Hahahaha. I kid. Well, not about the moving part. I really am moving, so I can attend Savannah College of Art and Design (and not LSU). I have to say that I'm super excited. It feels like I'm finally getting a chance to start over fresh with a clean slate in a place where no one knows me. How exciting! I hope my moving to a new state will finally allow me to let go of the past and move forward. I hope. I have a feeling it will. Also, doing nothing but art sounds amazing. I can't wait for my classes to finally begin.

- Delanna

P.S. It will be weird living in a state that doesn't have a Parish system. Parishes are waaaaaay cooler than counties. County sounds lamer than Parish. Sorry. :)

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