Friday, April 7, 2017

Sigh. Seriously, I Have to Live Through Today Again?!

Yeesh, I really hate the seventh of April. It's a pretty tragic day. Why? Because it was the day I was forced into this world. Maybe I wouldn't hate it so much if I didn't have to live through it every year, but apparently, that's how birthdays work. Joy. How many more of these do I have to live through again? Hopefully not a lot. XD

Image result for happy birthday candles

- Delanna

Monday, April 3, 2017

Tomorrow (Noun)

I have like ten sculptures due tomorrow at 8:00 AM, and I completely lack the motivation and inspiration to do them. I think I've only finished three, and one of them was done in class. So, in reality, I've only finished two. Somehow, this doesn't bother me. I dunno why, but I feel like I have come to terms with my immediate demise tomorrow.

Every college student knows these are true!

- Delanna

Sunday, April 2, 2017


I should probably be working right around now, but I can't. I don't feel like it. I just too bored to do anything productive. That statement probably makes no sense whatsoever, but it's true. I'm too bored to be productive, so I won't. Instead, I think I will watch anime, and put of my homework indefinitely (at least until tomorrow).

- Delanna

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Happy Have Fun Being Completely Paranoid Day

Oh, I tooooooootally meant to say Happy April Fool's Day. Totally... It's not like I'm completely paranoid or anything. Or like I'm waiting for someone to try and prank me. No... I'm fine. Completely and utterly fine. It's not like I went to the mall today, saw a really cool Hetalia shirt, and wouldn't buy it until I confirmed the sale (and the actual existence of said shirt) with several different people. I mean could you blame me if I theoretically asked like five different people because a buy one get one for one cent sale sounded too good to be true? Oh well, it's just a little over five more hours until my shirt and I are finally free of this accursed holiday...

- Delanna

P.S. Apparently, my college thought it would be hilarious to have SCAD Day (a horrible day where potential students and their families get to tour the facilities and the dorms and whatnot) today. Usually, I barricade myself in my dorm to avoid the stupidity that seems to be everywhere on SCAD Day and only come out for the bare necessities like food when I get super desperate, but no, not today. Apparently, not telling us was part of April Fool's. Yaaaaay. I knew something was up when I ran into a blob of people blocking the hallway, but stupid me was like meh, it's probably just a surplus of students or something. It still didn't dawn on me when I went to eat, and the place was three times more crowded than usual. Nope. It didn't dawn on me until I started eating, and the food was actually edible. It was then that I realized what had happened, so I ran by to my dorm to hide in terror only to be blocked by three tour groups. In the end, I gave up and abandoned ship by going to the mall. And, that is why I hate today.